Here you can buy your own high quality jute shibari ropes. These traditional shibari ropes have the standard length of 8m.
They are conditioned and have an overhand knot at both ends. The rope is wasched and hung with tension. It is mechanically broken (by hand) to make it more supple. It is flamed to remove sharp fibers. Then they are oiled for a smooth and soft touch.
There are different types of natural jute ropes available.
6mm Sammt Jute 30CHF
5mm Sammt Jute 30CHF
8mm Jute (a bit more rough, but treated with bees wax and jojoba oil) 25CHF
If you buy 7 ropes, you get the 8th for free. Use the coupon code 8FOR7 at the checkout.
Shibari Ropes